Introducing the New Journal Critical Romani Studies

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Published Apr 13, 2018
Maria Bogdan
Jekatyerina Dunajeva
Tímea Junghaus
Angéla Kóczé
Iulius Rostas
Márton Rövid
Marek Szilvasi


The Introduction presents the origins of the new journal "Critical Romani Studies". It discusses why the editors founded a new journal. Finally, the paper presents the main features of the new journal.

How to Cite

Bogdan, M., Dunajeva, J., Junghaus, T., Kóczé, A., Rostas, I., Rövid, M., & Szilvasi, M. (2018). Introducing the New Journal Critical Romani Studies. Critical Romani Studies, 1(1), 2–7.
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